
Session 21: November 5 - Is there a policy time of year

Page history last edited by Lori Smith 14 years, 2 months ago

Here is the powerpoint (PDF) for November 5. Most of the class will be taken up with what "really happens" after your proposal or "ask" has gone into government, who some of the players are, how they interact etc.


For anyone who has the time to do some reading, pick up Donald Savoie again - especially "Breaking the Bargain" or any of his writings on government . Also, Tony Blair's new memoir is excellent when it comes to his early reflections in the book on setting up a new government and his relations with the permanent public service.


For those who would rather watch an instructive video, I highly recommend any episode of "Yes Minister", a British comedy series form the late 1970's if it is available.


This should  be a lighter session than the next two following  which take on two very serious policy problems related to failed policy and prophecy and the anatomy of unintended consequences.


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