
Session 13 (April 23, 2010)The Role of Important People and Rockstars: The L'Oreal Question

Page history last edited by Lori Smith 14 years, 5 months ago

Well the last formal class of the first term will be over with next week's session with the session on rock stars and celebrity endorsements. Workshop events will continue for two more weeks.


 The reference to the l'Oreal question relates to Malcolm Gladwell's article on True Colours (PDF).


Also included is a quirky dissertation from India that is actually quite insightful on celebrity endorsement that I used a bit in the powerpoint.


Dissertation on Celebrity Endorsement (PDF)


Power Point Presentation on L'Oreal Question


Please watch the fallout in the papers and media to Valerie Pringle's Yorktown dinner on April 22 as a lead up to the session on Friday.




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