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Session 12 (April 16, 2010) Learning About the Media with Laurie Monsebraaten, Toronto Star

Page history last edited by Lori Smith 14 years, 4 months ago

Remember ! one half hour later: 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.


Seesion 12 of the policy course concerns learning about the media. Our special guest is Laurie Monsebraaten of the Toronto Star. She is currently social justice reporter and she  has also been an editorial writer at the Star.


Here is an url that posts 30 recent articles that Laurie wrote:



Laurie will talk about what type of stories engage the media as well as a good list of  what to do and what not to do in your media strategy. She has some really good tips as to what days are best to get your story in and  how things work in the back rooms at the papers - definitely things you will want to know!


Remember to let Diane Dyson (and  me)  know if you would like to bring a guest or two to the session. Also let us know if you cannot attend - a couple of you have already sent regrets opening a bit of space for alternates. //js


p.s. there are no powerpoint slides for this session but I do encourage you to read the newspapers over the next three days and browse through Laurie's articles.

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