Read Chapter 5 of Super-Freakonomics (p 165-209) . If you don't have the book and don't wish to buy it or can't borrow it, your local bookstore can likely accommodate the 20 minutes or so it takes to read it.
The reason to read it is to separate in your mind the issue of global warming from all the other "moral imperatives" that surround it (e.g.depleting hydrocarbons).
Think about your own issues. Do you want to achieve a particular outcome in isolation or do you also want it to come about in a very particular way? It is important to disaggregate what you advocate for from the the moral imperatives that surround it.
Please explore Wayne Wouters' site:
Please explore Shelley Jamieson's bio - she only has an intranet site, nothing public:
All provincial and federal public servants in Ontario ultimately report to these two people.
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